A few weeks ago, Priscilla Palmer graciously included me on her list of top personal development bloggers, and invited me to contribute a few more entries. In her words, “This list should include any blog you feel can benefit us in our growth process.”
I’ll take this opportunity to mention some of the articles I’ve read and enjoyed over the past few months:
- Blair Warren reveals the secret to attracting wealth: it’s magic rocks.
- Restita (of Seattle Wushu Center) shares a true story illustrating that if we are sincere, we can learn from anyone.
- Elberry reminds us that, in the branch office that is planet Earth, we are all just filthy temps [NSFW].
- Finally: Orwell got the most of details right, but the year wrong. Check out Tabby Cat’s illustrated guide to 1984.
With respect to all the other members, the complete personal development list is far too long to repost here; if you read all that stuff, you won’t have any time left to practice martial arts! Here is the subset that most clearly relates to topics we discuss here at Martial Development: