Seattle Martial Arts Club
Tai Chi Push Hands
I organize a weekly push hands practice session for all the Tai Chi players in the Seattle area. This group is not affiliated with any particular school, and anyone is welcome to attend. Prior experience is welcome, but not required.

Bitter Lake Park
Practice sessions are usually held weeknights around 7pm (rain or shine) near Bitter Lake Park. If you are interested, join the mailing list below–you will automatically receive the club FAQ by email.
Wing Chun Sticking Hands
We also hold a Wing Chun chi sao practice session on weekday evenings. Again, previous experience is recommended but not required. Please join the mailing list if this opportunity interests you.
A Club, Not a Class
The format of these gatherings is different than most martial arts classes:
- There is no teacher—though if you ask for advice or assistance, you will probably receive it.
- There are no class fees.
- There is no fixed practice method. After pairing off with a partner, participants practice exercises and techniques of their own choosing (within the general Tai Chi or Wing Chun theme). Partners rotate every few minutes.
- There are no tests, uniforms or rankings.
Club participants are primarily interested in improving themselves through partner practice, not in correcting others.
Mailing List
(and growing!)
Join the mailing list to communicate with other current and prospective club members. We use this list to coordinate the weekly meetings. We do not send spam, and you can unsubscribe yourself at any time.
More Western Washington Martial Arts
Tai Chi Classes
Seattle-Area Seminars and Events
Ongoing Sparring Sessions