This is a continuation of Give Thanks to Your Blogging Inspirations.
Until recently, I had no interest in marketing. Like so many other scientists and engineers, I considered marketing a necessary evil, unworthy of my own efforts.
Unlocking human potential through martial arts
This is a continuation of Give Thanks to Your Blogging Inspirations.
Until recently, I had no interest in marketing. Like so many other scientists and engineers, I considered marketing a necessary evil, unworthy of my own efforts.
While waiting for some Chinese takeout earlier this week, I read a brochure for the local branch of Dahn Yoga. In addition to Yoga and Tai Chi, they now teach a martial art called DahnMuDo.
I had never heard of this martial art before, so I looked it up on the web:
The low kick is the most dangerous attack in unarmed martial arts. A single well-placed kick to the knee or ankle can render the opponent unable to stand, and consequently unable to escape or defend against further attacks.
Low kicks are so effective that even seasoned martial artists have difficulty defending against them. Faced with such a challenge, some simply choose to ignore the threat, and concentrate on more glamorous hand techniques instead.
Denial is usually not an effective method of self-defense. However, Wing Chun teaches us how to use denial to our advantage, and thereby protect ourselves. According to Wing Chun principles, we should deny an attacker the position, the balance and the time to succeed with a low kicking attack.
Pro blogger Darren Rowse asked me to make a prediction on what the new year will bring to the martial arts community. I expect that qigong will continue growing in popularity, and that within ten years it will be as ubiquitous as yoga is today.
“God is my master”
TrailerVision Pictures presents the martial arts classic: Kung Fu Jesus.
For years, vicious gangster bosses ran the underworld, but a new fighter has come to town. He’s taking over the streets, with a new style of kung fu known as Swing Lo.
When Jesus is framed for selling drugs, he must fight to prove his innocence.
Excerpt from Yoga, Ahimsa and Terror by David Frawley:
The Bhagavad-Gita, which teaches about the spiritual aspect of yoga in great detail, was taught on the battlefield, during a civil war. While some will say that this outer battlefield is a metaphor for an inner struggle, which is true, that an outer battle was involved is clear from many historical records from ancient India. Krishna, the great yoga teacher, encouraged his disciple Arjuna, who was a great warrior, to fight, though Arjuna was reluctant and wanted to follow a way of non-violence instead. Why did Krishna encourage Arjuna to fight?
In this installment of our series on the greatest kung fu movies ever made, we consider the samurai genre.
The characteristics of the samurai ethic include courage, loyalty, and honor. The greatest samurai movies not only illustrate these virtues, but present them in a novel, unexpected, and ultimately enlightening way.
Before the days of the strip-mall Kung Fu Dojo, some martial artists earned a living by performing in travelling circus shows. These artists demonstrated seemingly miraculous feats to entertain their audience, and attributed them to esoteric qigong training.
Truthfully, these “vagabond skills” are mostly cheap parlor tricks. In this video clip, Wing Chun instructor Leung Ting demonstrates the (relatively) safe and easy way to break bricks with your bare hands, and slice yourself with sharp blades.
Ji Shengzi was training a fighting cock for King Xuan of Zhou.
After ten days of training passed, King Xuan asked, “Is the cock ready for a fight?” Ji Shengzi said, “Not yet. He is still haughty and conceited.”
Another ten days went by. King Xuan asked again, and Ji said “Not yet. He is still glaring and domineering.”
After another ten days went by, King Xuan asked once more. Ji Shengzi replied, “He is about ready for the fight. When other cocks crow, he is not affected. He looks like a cock made of wood. Other cocks dare not challenge him, they will simply run away.”
From the Taoist classic book Zhuangzi.
In the spirit of the holiday season, I would like to show my gratitude and give thanks to some of the inspirations for this blog…