Since writing Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal a few weeks ago, I’ve discovered some newer video footage of the Indonesian acupuncturist and qigong master known as John Chang.
Who Destroyed Shaolin Village?
By day, I am a mild-mannered software developer; when darkness falls, I step away from the computer for more vigorous pursuits. During the past few days, I’ve been moonlighting as a private dick. My latest case: to find those responsible for the destruction of the Shaolin Temple village, and bring them to justice.
New Karate Kid Music Video

It’s been twenty years since its release, so The Karate Kid is officially cool again. The indie rock band No More Kings has drafted the movie’s original cast members into its latest music video.
How to Shoot ‘Chi’ Bolts From Your Fingertips
Nei kung experts such as John Chang have allegedly spent decades learning how to harness their bodies’ inner chi power. Some of their incredible demonstrations, however, can be reproduced without special training. With a proper setup, most adults can shoot a lightning bolt from their fingertips.
Conflict Resolution: A Casualty of Non-Violent Martial Arts

Shield and spear
To the ancient Romans, the concept of a non-violent martial art would be nonsensical. Their literal definition of martial was “belonging to Mars”, the god of war. Modern usage of the term martial arts, however, is hardly related to military strategy and tactics.
Today, most popular martial arts are practiced without arms. Considering this shift in focus, from immediate and practical skills to more abstract and long-term benefits, it is reasonable to ask whether violent destructive potential is still necessary at all.
Is a non-violent martial art worthy of study?
Boxing and The Law of Attraction
The Secret, a new personal development guide by Rhonda Byrne, is taking the nation by storm. In the last three months, the book has sold almost two million copies, and the DVD has sold one million more. Einstein, Beethoven and Plato knew and used it. Oprah loves it.
What is this “secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth, and everything you have ever wanted”?
Charlie The Chimp Knows Taekwondo
No doubt you’ve heard of Monkey Kung Fu. But did you know that monkeys practice Korean martial arts too? See for yourself in the video below.
What Makes a Good Kicking Warm-Up Exercise?
Last week, I attempted to describe one of my favorite lower body warm-up exercises. Online and offline feedback since then indicate that my description wasn’t as clear as I intended.
The particular choreography of this kicking exercise isn’t so important. I recommended it for its general characteristics. To explore those qualities, let’s contrast the exercise with a more common kicking drill:
Become a Better Kicker With This One-Minute Exercise
The best warm-up exercises do more than increase your heart rate. They build flexibility, strength, balance and coordination, in a way that is relevant and beneficial to your martial art.
Here is one of my favorite exercises for loosening the kwa, or hip region. Tim Cartmell demonstrated it at a recent seminar in Seattle.
Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal
There is a man in Indonesia who is a master of the ancient Chinese science of neikung, or “internal power.” His name is John Chang, and he is my teacher. Mr. Chang was first presented to the world in the award-winning documentary series Ring of Fire, filmed by the brothers Lorne and Lawrence Blair; his privacy was protected by the rather ignominious pseudonym Dynamo Jack.