Ji Shengzi was training a fighting cock for King Xuan of Zhou.

After ten days of training passed, King Xuan asked, “Is the cock ready for a fight?” Ji Shengzi said, “Not yet. He is still haughty and conceited.”
Another ten days went by. King Xuan asked again, and Ji said “Not yet. He is still glaring and domineering.”
After another ten days went by, King Xuan asked once more. Ji Shengzi replied, “He is about ready for the fight. When other cocks crow, he is not affected. He looks like a cock made of wood. Other cocks dare not challenge him, they will simply run away.”
From the Taoist classic book Zhuangzi.
This is one of my favorite stories from the Zhuang Zi (Chuang Tzu). Since I spend a lot of time in standing practice, it resonates with me.