The meme works as follows. You post five things about yourself. Four are untrue. One is true. All are so outlandish, implausible or ridiculous that no one would be inclined to believe that any of them are true. And despite the pleas from your readers, you never divulge which is true and which are fabrications. You then tag five other people (four seriously and one person you are pretty sure would never participate).
1. I once challenged more than twenty members of a rival Kung Fu school. None of them dared to step forward.
2. In my first Karate class, I was the only student who was unable to break a board.
3. I have personally knocked people down without touching them.

Iron Kim kicks a helicopter
carrying illegal drugs
4. Frank Dux, “Iron” Kim and I briefly served together on a secret crime-fighting team for the Mexican government.
5. All my sifus could beat all your sifus in a fight.
I tag: Dean Radin, Jet Li, “Karate Hottie” Michelle Waterson, Weakness With a Twist, and Wuji.
Chris –
If anyone could pull #3 off it’s probably you. (Though showing your opponent a photo of Steven Seagal nude does not count!)
Oh, here we go with the “Girdle-Man” jokes again! (I call Steven Segall (sp?) Girdle-Man because I once read that he was so vain, he wore a girdle when making movies because of mid-life pudge.) I always say that when my husband is watching his movies & I happen to pass by the tv. Seriously, you should have tagged me…I have a very active imagination… : )
Martial Arts Mom: Just steal it. I did!
Do you own list and pick five victims. If you do, let me know so I can read yours!
Consider yourself tagged.
Okay, I hijacked your idea, Chris. go here to see it…
I almost forgot to tag people, so I had to go back and add them to my post. Go to to see just how active my imagination really is!
Heard there was a great warm-up exercise on this site to help flexibilty and power of kicks ?! Could not find it. Could someone send it to me ?! Thanks. ML