Chen Bing’s Taiji: From Silk Uniforms to the MMA Cage

Chen Bing is one of dozens of martial arts instructors visiting Seattle this year.

Chen Style Taiji: 38-posture form

Chen Bing explains push hands
“What if your opponent will not use force? Use it yourself.”

Chen Bing demonstrates Taiji throwing methods at a Miami seminar


  1. Impressive stuff! Chris, what would you say are the differences between the momentum sensitivity used in push hands and in judo?

  2. I don’t think I know enough about judo to make a good comparison. Maybe another reader can answer the question.

  3. the differences between the momentum sensitivity used in push hands and in judo…

    The listening ability is one point I can comment on, a skilled judoka typically seeks to apply a technique, a taiji player however typically does not. So the goals of application are not the same.

    When you consider competition judo and equivalent push hands the goals are different and both have been well recorded and can be observed online. Judoka often follow the hands with the center, taiji players often follow their center with their hands, this difference too can be observed.

    So I think that the feeling sense of judo is different than the listening aspect of taiji, however there is a great deal of overlapping similarity.

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